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Mobile Partner Unlocker - enhance abilities of Huawei Mobile Partner for macOS

January 25, 2014, revised June 11, 2021 in Projects

There are certain features of Huawei Mobile Partner that are normally disabled in the “stock” build:

They are disabled because you’re expected to use the “branded” driver, provided for your specific modem by your carrier. If the carrier doesn’t bother, you are out of luck.

Making calls

USSD interface

~Also, the most recent drivers are always the “stock” drivers, available from the Huawei Support page (look for “DataCard”).~

The support page is no longer available. Try downloading from the product support for the modem - but I can’t test it myself. Otherwise use drivers that came with your modem.

This is a tool that changes configuration of the Mobile Partner application. It doesn’t add any binary code to it. It’s safe.

Download MobilePartnerUnlocker.app (recompiled in 2021)

Download already patched MobilePartner.app (version 23.015, December 2013)

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