Archive of category "Software"

Controlling Minuflux with its Go API client
Do anything and more.
March 9, 2025

Export YouTube subscriptions into RSS
Run the script from the Developer Console and get an OPML file with your subscriptions.
March 8, 2025

My guide to macOS for (new) power users
You can make macOS do wonderful things. Let's go deeper.
July 3, 2022 , revised September 25, 2022

Apple Silicon — M1 for Ruby developers
Is M1 ready to accept Ruby developers? Definitely.
May 15, 2021

How to set up a quasi-kanban for Jira in VS Code
To paraphrase Alf, if you don't like Jira, you just don't know how to cook it
April 29, 2021

How to export favorites from Skobbler GPS Nav
With a script that you can call from the Skobbler webapp.
December 28, 2015

How to build MAPS.ME for Mac OS X - an offline OpenStreetMaps browser
It's probably better to use Organic Maps at this point.
October 21, 2015 , revised November 19, 2023

Handle large JSONs effortlessly with jq
How would you find sense in a 4-megabyte JSON file? Turns out, this is a great opportunity to use jq - a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.
September 15, 2015

Some custom git commands that I use
It only makes sense to develop a third, personal, layer of git commands to help in your daily routine - call them "towel" or "toothbrush" commands, if you like.
July 30, 2015 , revised December 4, 2015

Find files that have YAML frontmatter
You can do this with a little bit of shell scripting.
July 7, 2015

Best practice: use your global .gitignore
I was setting up a new project yesterday, and it was missing a .powenv file I needed for Pow to work.
April 15, 2014

Fix for Raspberry Pi / ODROID silently failing to boot
If you have USB drives in your /etc/fstab and your Linux system fails to boot after registering in the network, try this:
April 14, 2014

На Маке нет встроенного графического редактора а-ля Microsoft Paint, зато есть встроенная программа для построения графиков – Grapher.
March 30, 2014

How to find files with filenames that are too long
Here’s a neat regular expression trick that you can use to find pathnames longer than a certain length, say, 20 characters:
February 19, 2014

Two reasons not to use exFAT on your NAS
I’ve been using the exFAT file system on my Raspberry PI-powered NAS for awhile. I’ve chosen it because exFAT is the only “modern” filesystem that has read-write support in Windows, Linux and OS X. I use all three, so it was beneficial that the drive could be connected to any OS directly over a super-speed USB connection.
February 19, 2014 , revised February 25, 2014

Windows context menu command to watermark images
Imagine someone asked you to provide an effective way to put watermarks on some images before posting them online.
February 13, 2014

How to configure Dual WAN on AsusWRT routers
The AsusWRT firmware supports something called "Dual WAN" - an option to have two Internet channels connected.
January 30, 2014

Рекомендую: читалку Marvin для iPhone
Посвящается памяти прекрасной читалки Stanza, которую съел Amazon.
January 30, 2014

Рекомендую: сделать из Caps Lock "гиперклавишу"
Для начала, что такое «гиперклавиша»? Это дополнительная клавиша-модификатор. Такая, как Shift, Control, Alt (Option), Command, Windows. Вот так все просто.
December 12, 2013

Рекомендую: Humble New Tab Page для Chrome
Humble New Tab Page уже года два служит моей бессменной домашней страницей.
December 10, 2013