Archive of category "Software"
Рекомендую: Scanner Pro - сканируй айфоном
Почему бы не отметить уходящий год серией от чистого сердца рекомендаций?
December 3, 2013
RSS blues
I’ve found out recently that my posts are duplicated in Feedly – sorry for that. Is this post also duplicated? Please comment if you’re using Feedly.
August 27, 2013
A practical guide to Hackintosh
Here’s how you install OS X on your PC:
August 14, 2013
Горячие клавиши в Microsoft Word for Mac 2011 в русской раскладке
Обнаружил, что в Microsoft Word for Mac 2011 при наборе в русской раскладке никакие сочетания клавиш не работают, включая такие незаменимые, как ⌘-С, ⌘-V и даже ⌘-S. Погуглив немного, выяснил, что проблема есть не только у меня, а решения никто не нашел.
July 25, 2013
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February 2, 2014
Clean your development log files every day
Rails applications tend to create a lot of log files in development mode, especially if you’re practicing TDD. If you work with many applications, the logs can take up to several gigabytes of disk space.
October 28, 2012
Why I use a proportional font in my text editor and you should too
Here’s a list of things I don’t do that often:
October 11, 2012
How to record HD video from a Logitech webcam on OS X
I have a Logitech HD C270 webcam, capable of 720p HD video capture, which I’ve used for some time on Windows without any issues, but today I’ve decided to connect it to my Macbook Air to record some HD video on the go. Turns out, this is not as easy as I thought.
September 8, 2012
How to reduce Postbox memory usage by unsubscribing from overstuffed folders
TLDR: I reduced Postbox memory usage from 500M to 150M by unsubscribing from one folder and cleaning out Trash. Here’s how.
July 7, 2012
How to automatically sync photos from your Windows Phone 7 to Mac OS X
It is notoriosly hard to download photos and videos shot with a Windows Phone: it’s not mountable as a USB drive, and the only way to access the phone is through the Windows Phone 7 Connector; and even the connector only allows you to sync the photos into iPhoto or Aperture. If you’re not using Apple image management tools, you’re out of luck.
June 18, 2012
How to create ICNS icons for OS X
Use Icon Composer from XCode, not imagemagick.
June 18, 2012
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March 17, 2014
An easy way to use Tor on OS X
The Tor Project is a nice distributed anonymizing network. The recommended way of running it (I guess) is downloading the Tor browser bundle, which contains Tor itself and a built-in copy of Firefox, but that is overcomplicated and doesn’t let you use your own browser. Of course, you can still use your browser with the Bundle if you set up the proxy server correctly, but it doesn’t make the process more transparent.
June 5, 2012
Полезные советы про CMake
CMake — один из инструментов для кроссплатформенной компиляции.
May 26, 2012
Why Vim tabs are different from any other editor
As you likely know, recent versions of Vim have tabs. If you’re coming to Vim from a different tabbed editor (and of course you are), you might decide to use this feature as you’re accustomed to. Well, guess what — you’re doing it wrong.
April 24, 2012
Migrating from StaticMatic to Middleman
One of my sites (, which is in Russian – sorry) is (was) built around Staticmatic, which is (again, was) a convenient tool to make static sites with modern-day conveniences such as partials, helpers, and using a templating language such as Haml.
April 22, 2012
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May 10, 2012
Настройка 3G-модема Huawei под OS X Mavericks
Выжимаем максимум из модемов Huawei под OS X
April 4, 2012
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January 25, 2014
Какие браузеры используются в Рунете?
Однажды я наверстал и запустил один студенческий форум и остался весьма доволен его внешним видом. То есть, конечно, тем, как он выглядел в Firefox. То есть, оставался довольным, пока одна девочка не сообщила (вежливо), что между постами слишком много свободного пространства.
March 30, 2012
Директива try_files в Nginx как замена mod_rewrite
Подход к настройкам у Apache и у nginx настолько разный, что, настраивая последний по привычке, обычно делаешь все слишком сложно.
March 29, 2012
How to install nginx over Pow in OS X
Pow is a nice starter level server which is useful as long as all you want is develop Rack apps. But what if you need to run a PHP app on the same development machine? Or a Node.js app? Then you’re out of luck (or, directed to some arcane techniques to run them inside Rack, which is just backwards in my opinion).
January 20, 2012
Создание демонов для Mac OS X средствами launchd
Демон — приложение, которое запускается самостоятельно и работает в фоне, а также автоматически перезапускается после падения и обладает другими приятными плюшками.
January 20, 2012
А у вас настроен logrotate?
Сегодня шесть часов пролежал продакшн из-за того, что логи съели все свободное место на системном диске (который, собственно, был размером всего в 8G).
August 7, 2011
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April 12, 2017